Wednesday 7 February 2018

Dragon Squad


In this exhilarating Chinese Dragon celebration, time management, planning and allocating your teams resources will become critical to success.

In Chinese culture, the Dragon dance is a form of traditional dance and performance most often seen in festive celebrations. Dragons are believed to bring good luck to

people and are symbolized to represent great power, dignity, fertility, wisdom and auspiciousness. The appearance of a dragon is both frightening and bold but it has a

benevolent disposition, and so eventually became an emblem to represent imperial authority.

Dragon Squad gives your teams the opportunity to work together to achieve great things. The activity offers many challenges to any group. In addition to the

construction part of the exercise, teams overcome problem solving elements, network on many levels and express themselves creatively.

Creating motivation and momentum right from the start, the participants will enter the scene witnessing the leader of their company drumming loud and strong, beat by


Whether you are involved in constructing the head, the tail or nominated for the multi team design group, the process of inter-dependant teamwork will be key.  Each

dragon cannot be completed without each team member finishing their allocated tasks.

Once completed, each team will perform a Dragon Dance with their uniquely created dragons.  Teams are awarded points based on their creativity and performance

resulting in a winning team. The dragon heads can be taken back to the workplace as a reminder of collaborative company success.

For an exhilarating team challenge Call Edward 98402 54762

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@chennaites @tamilnadu @india @dragon @dragonsquad @ezoneindia @ezoneindia @ezoneindia @events @china

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